Close your eyes, place your hand over your heart and take 3 deeps breaths.

Right now it feels like your standing in the middle of a rushing river. The water is rushing past and you feel the pressure of it on all sides, trying to move you, trying to get you to be wrapped up in it. But you don’t need to. You can be the rock in the river. You can be that big boulder that is rooted and strong and unmovable.
Picture yourself as that rock in the river. It’s calm, it’s still… no matter what is happening around it it doesn’t move. You are that strong rock and when you don’t move, when you stay calm, the water flow starts to bother you less, in fact it seems to slow down.
You start to notice how the sun is shining on you and making you feel warm and it’s light helps you feel more at peace. Soon that slower flow of water starts to feel nice, and cool. Washing over you.
Now that you feel calm and steady, you can take any bothersome feelings you have and just place them on a leaf. Put that leaf on the water and watch is drift away from you, carried by the now slow and calm current. Do this with every thought that is coming up and just let it float away until you feel at peace and warm and calm.
Take as many deep breaths as you need and then open your eyes.