Rachelle Garcia Seliga has been a huge inspiration to us at Hatch Holistics Inc. We can't wait until we can attend one of her Innate Postpartum Care Training offerings. The centering of mothers, families and nature in the design of community and society is what is vitally missing from our current way of life, and what is causing the most pain.
"Innate Traditions exists to midwife a cultural shift- where innate wisdom, personal authority and the sanctity of Life are centered and honored.
INNATE Postpartum Care is in honor of the ancestral wisdom of humanity and dedicated to the future generations. Traditional medicinal knowledge and practices can create social healing...[and] this traditional medicinal knowledge is stored within our blood memory, within the Earth, Air, Water, Fire, and Cosmic Mind. The more we heal ourselves—the more access we have to his knowledge... [A]ncient postpartum traditions COME FROM our physiologic design, offering to us a blueprint of everything we need in order to thrive as newborn families.
What is shared in INNATE's Training is more important now - than ever." ~ Rachelle Garcia Seliga